DietBet Review | Will You Get Paid for Losing Weight or Is This Just Another Scam?

DietBet | Will You Get Paid for Losing Weight or Is This Just Another Scam?

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Exercising and keeping fit, are some of the activities gaining traction among millennials and other age groups. However, summoning the motivation to work out can be such an uphill task at times. Additionally, most people lead busy lives between school, work, and daily life responsibilities. 

More often than not, it might seem like there isn’t enough time or energy left to exercise and keep our bodies in good shape. According to a research study conducted at Harvard University, it is no small task to keeping off excess weight. That notwithstanding, we all know how important it is to stay healthy. 

Fortunately, there exists a plethora of mobile apps that seek to motivate users to develop and maintain a consistent workout routine. DietBet, for instance, is an app that claims to pay users for working out and hitting personalized fitness goals. 

Work out and get paid? That sounds too good to be true, right? In this DietBet review, we will focus on establishing whether the app is legit and whether it actually does what it claims to do. 

At LegitWorkOnlineForReal, we are committed to helping people find real legitimate work online jobs. We embarked on this mission after realizing that the online job market was getting flooded with thousands of online scams. If you do not want to get swindled, read on to find out whether DietBet is Legit or a complete scam.

We have divided this review article into the following sections:

  • When was it started?
  • What is DietBet all about?
  • What does it cost to join?
  • How do you make money with the app?
  • How much money can you make with
  • What we liked about the platform
  • Good vs. bad qualities
  • What are internet users saying about the platform?

When Was It Started?

The Company behind the website DietBet and the Android/iOS DietBet apps were founded by Jamie Rosen in 2010, as A Way Better Company. In addition to it’s digital presence, the company is physically headquartered in New York. 

Other names used in association with the company include WayBetter, Inc. and WayBetter Way. As of this writing, DietBet had over 100K downloads on Google Play Store and over 1 million downloads on Apple App Store. 

What is DietBet All About?

DietBet, is typically a weight-loss app that’s designed to motivate you in attaining your fitness goals, through games and rewards. The app works by letting you bet on yourself. If you win your bet, you get to share the prize pool with the other winners. 

Since the app claims to pay you to do that which you know you should be doing anyway, most people tend to be a bit skeptical about it at first. If that’s you, this DietBet review is meant for you to read. To help you understand how the app works, we will also be examining the platform’s earning opportunity. 

What Does It Cost to Join?

To join this weight-loss platform is absolutely free of charge. To get started, just download the app or visit, to choose the games you might be interested in. If you want to, you can also create your own challenge and invite friends to join in. 

After finding the game that interests you, click “Join” and complete the registration process to activate your DietBet account. Once your account is live, you will just have to follow the instructions to place your bets. Do weigh-ins and start playing your games of choice right away.

How To Weigh In: 

The platform will prompt you to submit your official starting weight prior to starting the games. You can simply do this by submitting one photo of you on a scale and another photo of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word. 

How To Make Money with DietBet

There are two major ways to make money on this platform:

Option 1: Weight-Loss Games 

Technically, this is not much of an earning opportunity because there lacks a guarantee that you will always earn from it. To participate in the games, you are required to place bets on yourself. You will only make money when you win the game. 

There are two types of games: Kickstarter and Transformer. The first category, Kickstarter, focuses more on participants who want to lose 4% of their weight in four weeks. On the other hand, Transformer games focus on participants looking to lose at least 10% of their weight in 6 months. 

Apart from timelines, another major distinction between the two game types is that Kickstarter games only require a one-time bet, whereas Transformers bill you for five months upfront. Though more expensive, users have reported losing more weight and winning more money when playing Transformer games. 

Option 2: Referral Program

Another way to make money with DietBet, is by using it’s referral program. You will earn extra rewards if you invite someone to sign up with DietBet and they end up joining the same weight-loss game as you did. If the game in question has an MVP prize, then you will receive a referral prize. (MVP is the term used to refer to the person who refers the most people.)

How Much Money Can You Make with the App?

Since weight-loss games are based on wagers, you should expect to win an average of 1.5X to 2X your bet amount for Kickstarter games. Transformer winners stand to make at least $325 for winning six rounds or $175 for winning the final round. 

To make more money, you will have to play more games. After winning, DietBet will credit your account with points, which are redeemable for cash. You can cash out using either Check or PayPal. Your withdrawal will be made available within 48 hours, following your withdrawal request. 

What Did We Liked About DietBet?

  1. You Get Paid for Embracing Fitness

Amazingly, DietBet users get to reap double benefits; health-wise and financially. You are literally getting paid to lose weight and to stay healthy!

  1. It Is Free to Join 

It’s also a major plus that you are not required to pay anything to use the platform. Simply sign up and follow the registration process to the letter and you will be good to go. 

Good vs. Bad Qualities 

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using this health and fitness platform:


  • Offers PayPal payments 
  • The App is highly user-friendly 
  • It does not have any payment threshold


  • It does not guarantee consistent earnings 
  • Limited earning opportunities 

What Are Internet Users Saying About the App?

DietBet has a 4.8/5 stars rating from 13.6K reviews on Google Play storeBelow are some of the comments shared by users:

Amanda Philips, 

Google Play store Customer reviews and experiences from DietBet website

Angela Jones, 

Google Play store Customer reviews and experiences from DietBet website

Our Final Conclusion For DietBet:

From our research, it appears that DietBet is a legit platform that allows users to place bets on themselves and win cash rewards for hitting set fitness goals. It is free to join DietBet and the earnings range between 1.5X your bet amount and $325 for each win. 

If you are interested in shredding some weight and lack the motivation to do so, then DietBet is the ideal weight-loss app for you. However, if you are just out to make some extra cool cash without sticking to a strict workout regimen, you should consider checking out other legitimate at-home job opportunities that we have reviewed on this site. 

Having come to the end of our DietBet review, we sincerely hope that it has been helpful. If it has been, feel free to share your comments and experience with us. Thank you for reading and we’ll see you in our next review! 

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