Simple Income Strategies — Legit or Scam?

A screen shot of simple income strategies logo website


If you are looking for a legitimate work from home gig, then chances are you will find one that will fit you best. However, there are some that claim these big and bold promises. But are they too good to be true, or are they the real deal? One such opportunity that we’ll be digging into, goes by the name, “Simple Income Strategies”.

We’ll be talking about what we have discovered, after giving this a close look. This way you’ll save yourself the trouble, rather than deal with any frustrations due to the possibility of being scammed. Now, let’s take a closer look at what “Simple Income Strategies” is  and what it claims to do.

What Is Simple Income Strategies?:

“Simple Income Strategies” (which website can’t be found today), claims to be a program where you can get paid to post links, and earn money from them. But the problem is, they seem to be more of a scam opportunity than legit. It should not be confused for any legitimate affiliate marketing program, that you can find on the Internet. We’ll talk about that here shortly.

“Simple Income Strategies” was said to be launched in 2016 and claims to be founded by Kelly Simmons. The real identity of our dear new friend Kelly will be revealed soon enough (or will it). But at this point, let’s just say there is a red flag that we see waving off in the distance. And that should sound off some alarm bells at this point.

How Does Simple Income Strategies Work?:

According to they’re website, “Simple Income Strategies” claims that you can make an upwards of nearly $400 a day. And how do you do it? By posting links all over the Internet. Basically, you are spamming forums, blog comment sections, social media website’s, and so on. The goal a user might want to achieve, is seeing if someone will click on the link. And once they do, they earn money in the process. However, this is not a real way to make money. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they’re just plain wrong.

“Simple Income Strategies” is supposedly priced at $97. However, they offer upsells that will range at ridiculously high prices. We’re talking anywhere between the $900 to well over $12,000. And these are basically low-quality educational materials that will generate no value whatsoever. So there’s another red flag. Upselling low-quality products after you purchase yet another product that sucks in quality.

Pros and Cons: What we can tell you..

Unfortunately, we were not able to find a single good quality that ties into this “Simple Income Strategies” program. However, there are plenty of cons that we will translate into other red flags that we’ve found. Let’s take a look at each of them, so you are made aware of why “Simple Income Strategies” is more bad than good:

Kelly Is…Not Kelly: We get it. People use pen names all the time to protect their real identities. So this really might not be a red flag per say, if you use it correcly. But Kelly Simmons is probably created based on some woman that the website owner found in a stock photo online. But the concealment of identity and not letting anyone know if you are who you say you are, is definitely worth the cause for concern.

Fake news: “Simple Income Strategies” claim that it has received coverage in various news outlets. But that’s a lie! And even if they did get coverage, they were probably getting a cameo appearance in some news report covering online scams. You cannot fake a TV media appearance at all. It’s no wonder why it’s all on video. Good luck finding a news segment on “Simple Income Strategies”. You won’t find one anywhere online.

You become a spammer for nothing: If link posting for money is the object of the game here, then let’s just translate it into what it really is. It’s flat out spamming. You are literally going to break every term of service and use on whatever forum, social media platform, website, or whatever else just by simply posting links (and hoping it can make you some money). This will (of course) get you banned forever in most places on the Internet.

Oh yeah…you also get spammed too: Considering that a lot of these sleazeball companies have your information, the second they obtain it they’ll pass it onto other third-party entities, like a stick in a relay race. And from there on, your inbox will be saturated with spammy emails. It’s no joke. If you don’t believe us, you can probably use a burner email and wait a few days. Trust me, you will get hammered.

Fake News Part II: The phony testimonials: Any Joe Blow can pay someone $5 or more, just so they can do a quick testimonial video on a product that they never even touched, or tried out. That’s unethical within itself (and if you are looking for a good gig where you can really make money online, you may want to not consider doing fake reviews for others. Get it, got it, good.) If you come across a testimonial video that seemed to be more positive than negative regarding “Simple Income Strategies”, it will be more than likely a fake.

Making hundreds posting links? Too good to be true: One of the oldest tricks in the scammers playbook is planting a message that may sound too good to be true. In this regard, it actually is. This kind of false confidence happens every single time you see a scam like this going on (oops, did we answer that million-dollar question by accident?).

A Brief Message About Affiliate Marketing:

If you do plan on earning money online by way of affiliate marketing, you can do it the right way. It’s sites like “Simple Income Strategies”, that give affiliate marketing a bad name. But in order to start out on the right foot, you should do some research on what affiliate marketing is, and who are the proven gurus that have done it best in your eyes. Learn from the real, proven experts that have done it before and you too will be able to earn real money through a real affiliate marketing strategy that takes time, effort, and patience.

Remember to always do your due diligence if you are actually interested in doing affiliate marketing. The same goes for when you are interested in purchasing educational materials like e-books and courses on the topic. It’s better to do it the right way rather than do it by throwing up a link and hoping for the best.

A screen shot of simple income strategies website

My Final Verdict for “Simple Income Strategies”:

If you are looking for a great work at home program, we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. However, in the case against “Simple Income Strategies”, we highly advise you to stay clear from this website. You will not earn money spamming and you will be wise to not throw away $97 at low-quality products.

Plus, there is a really good chance that once that money is gone, there is no way of getting it back. When looking for an online money-making opportunity, stay sharp, utilize the lessons you’ve learned today, and watch out for fakes.

Do you have any question or concerns that you want to be heard about this, “Simple Income Strategies” program? Maybe something nice, or bad you would like to add? Do you believe this business is a scam too? Is they’re any questions you might have concerning my “Simple Income Strategies” review?

If so, cool! Leave your comments or questions below in the comment section, and I will be more than happy to respond back. Thanks again for reading my post, and good luck with all your success and endeavors online..

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