iPoll Review |Legit Online Paid Survey App or Scam?

iPoll | Legit Online Paid Survey App or Scam?

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Online paid surveys happen to be one of the easiest ways to make money online, especially as a beginner.  That being said, if you are just getting started with online jobs or simply want to supplement your income, survey platforms offer a great option just for that. However, you should be aware that not all survey sites are legit, since some are sheer online scams out to steal your identity and money. 

In this iPoll review, we will focus on establishing the website’s legitimacy. Is the site worth your time and energy? Can you really make money with iPoll? If so, how much money can you make? These are just some of the questions that you should be asking yourself and we will answer each of them in detail in this review.

At LegitWorkOnlineForReal, our main goal is to help you and other remote job seekers find legit online job opportunitiesWe do this by reviewing websites that claim to help members make money, to find out whether the opportunities are real. 

We have categorized this iPoll review into the following section for easier comprehension of the information therein:

  • When was it started?
  • What is iPoll all about?
  • What does it cost to join the survey app?
  • How can you make money with iPoll?
  • How much money can you make?
  • What we liked about the survey platform
  • Good vs. bad qualities 
  • What are internet users saying about the app?

When Was It Started?

iPoll began as a survey site going by the name Survey Head, which was launched in 2008. After finding success and a fair amount of popularity, the platform was acquired by Survey Sampling International in 2016 and got renamed iPoll. 

By virtue of being owned by the same parent company, iPoll is part of a bigger family of survey sites, with Opinion Post and SurveySpot as sister companies.

What Is iPoll All About?

According to the company’s official website iPollis a mobile app and online community that offers multiple ways to make money. The primary way to earn with this app, is by answering questions or sharing your opinion concerning different products and services. 

In exchange for your time and effort, iPoll compensates you with a variety of rewards including PayPal cash payments, Amazon gift cards, and Apple gift cards. 

What Does It Cost to Join iPoll?

Signing up with iPoll is free to join, but it appears that you will need to sign up with your mobile phone after downloading their app. However, you’ll still find the sign-up link on the desktop version of the website. To register with this survey site, you must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the US, the UK, or Canada. 

The registration process will only take a few minutes. All you will need to create an iPoll account is your username, email address, ZIP code, gender, date of birth, and password. 

How Can You Make Money With iPoll?

There are multiple ways to make money with this website. Discussed below are the various ways to earning an extra dollar with iPoll:

  1. Completing Online Survey Tasks 

This is the main way to make money with iPoll. For this option, you’ll need to take and complete short and simple survey tasks to earn rewards. But you’ll only qualify for a survey task if your demographic and profile data match the survey’s target demographic. 

Most of the survey tasks on this website will take 10 to 30 minutes to complete, and they can earn up to $1 per task. It is also worth noting that a majority of iPoll survey takers get disqualified for various reasons. And if you get disqualified, you will not receive any reward. 

  1. Badges

Badges are essentially a passive way to make money with iPoll. Whenever you reach a set milestone, you’ll receive achievement points in the form of a badge. Every badge you earn is worth a certain amount of money. You can only earn a specific type of badge once, and the more badges you earn, the more you unlock the other opportunities. 

Although the amount of money you make with this option is minimal, we love it because it is a passive source of income. You can earn it by simply being active on the app. Simple right.. 

  1. Missions

This is where iPoll gets fun. With the missions option, you stand to earn rewards by completing missions set by iPoll. Mission tasks vary from visiting stores, to taking product pictures and testing products. To complete a mission, you’ll have to leave the house. 

To maximize your earning potential with this option, you will have to download and install the iPoll mobile app for easy access. You will also have to activate your device’s GPS to complete iPoll mission tasks. Having your location turned on helps with confirming to the company that you indeed went to the location where the mission asked you to go. 

From user reviews, we’ve gather that mission tasks earn more than survey tasks. 

  1. Quarterly Prize Draws 

This is more of a game of chance compared to other iPoll earning opportunities. Like most survey sites, iPoll offers a prize draw for it’s members. The prize draw offers a chance to win generous prizes of up to $10,000. 

Completing survey assignments will help you earn prize draw entry points. However, since it’s based on luck, this option is not a reliable source of income. 

How Much Money Can You Make With iPoll?

Like with all online survey websites, you should not expect to earn enough money from iPoll to be able to quit your full-time day job. But it can serve as a cool source of extra income on the side. Just not a primary income stream. To put it simply, you will not become rich through iPoll. 

iPoll does not use a points system like most survey websites. Instead, they display their rewards in local currencies. The rewards vary from task to task depending on the nature and complexity of the assignment. On a good month, you can expect to make $50 to $100, if you are committed and lucky enough. 

The app pays via PayPal cash or gift cards from various retailers including Apple, Amazon, WOW HD, Pizza Express, and Prepaid Mastercard. The minimum threshold for a PayPal withdrawal is $50. 

What We Liked About iPoll

  1. Multiple Ways to Make Money 

One of the things we loved about iPoll, is that there are many ways to make an extra dollar. From completing survey tasks to missions, badges and quarterly prize draws, you will have numerous ways to supplement your income. 

  1. It’s Free to Join

You don’t have to pay any registration fee to start working on this survey app. Provided you are a resident of the US, the UK, or Canada and 18 years of age or older, you can sign up and start earning money right away. 

Good vs. Bad Qualities 


  • Great reward options
  • Offers PayPal cash outs 
  • Plenty of survey opportunities
  • Very easy to use
  • Operated by a well-established company 
  • Free to join


  • Not available globally 
  • The minimum payout threshold for PayPal is too high 
  • You might not qualify for some survey tasks 

What Are Internet Users Saying About iPoll?

For some reason, iPoll has both positive and negative reviews. Below are some of the comments and sentiments shared by iPoll users:

Christopher M. 

Internet Customer reviews and experiences concerning the iPoll website

As you can see, Christopher M. is happy and content with the platform for being honest and offering fast payouts. 

Mo G. 

Internet Customer reviews and experiences concerning the iPoll website

However this UK user MO G, is not pleased with the fact that she could not cash out her €25. The company claimed that she had “violated” the user terms and conditionsHow she did that, we don’t know.

Our Conclusion For iPoll: 

iPoll is a very legit survey mobile app that’s free to join. The app offers a variety of ways to make money including completing survey tasks, mission tasks, badges, and quarterly prize draws. To join, all you need is your email address and password. However, you must be at least 18 years old and a resident of one of the listed partner countries. 

Though a great opportunity to make money on the side, you should not expect to get rich or quit your day job after joining iPoll. If you are looking for a better-paying online hustle, you should try out other alternatives that we have reviewed here at LegitWorkOnlineForReal. 

Well that’s the end of our iPoll review. We hope that the review has been insightful and helpful. Please feel free to share your experience and sentiments with us in the comments section below. Thank you for reading and see you in our next review. 

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