Is The Success With Anthony Program A Scam?

the blue and white home page of success with anthony program websiteName: Success with Anthony Owner: Anthony Morrison Price: $7,-$1,000‘s Support: Limited This Post, is all about a program called “Success with Anthony”. And believe it or not, they are NOT what they seem to be, making this another scam money making program. Let’s dive into the product.

What is Success with Anthony About? - Does it really live up to the hype? - My I…

Success With Anthony Program Reviews and Product

This “Success with Anthony” Review, is promoting a “special formula” for getting “traffic” to your website. They make claims of having the right solution, regardless of who you are, or how fast your learning capabilities are.

The Pro’s & Con’s:


  • There are no pro’s to this program!


  • Product was Banned from Click Bank,
  • Limited support system in place for the new members,
  • Anthony Morrison has a long history of Scam Complaints,
  • “FREE Websites” which were being advertised, aren’t free at all.

The May 2012 Success with Anthony Clickbank Shut Down

a blue and white snapshot of the 2012 launch of success with anthony morrison program You read that right. Success With Anthony, was taken down from Clickbank back in May of 2012. Clickbank is one of the biggest Internet Retailers. There are just a few serious reasons why this happened.

  • The scam complaints were extreme,
  • The charge back rates were too high,
  • False claims were being made by the product, that were in violation of the Clickbank policy, and
  • Too many refunds.

Now if you already have experience with Clickbank you are aware of the many “below-standard” products within their network. Keeping that in mind, wouldn’t you think it would be hard to get banned, unless you were doing something really wrong, or selling something below even “second-rate“? Well sad to say, but Success with Anthony was easily banned from Clickbank, just to give you a mental picture of the type of substandard, swindling-like business these people were running.

Success with Anthony Morrison – Training Tools

a mangnifying glass looking down on a thesaurus in reference to the training available through the success with anthony program With the Success With Anthony training, the training material included is said to be on a “Beginners Level“. The program promises it will be easy to comprehend and follow for for all people. But in reality it isn’t. This is due to the fact that the training material teaches hard to understand concepts like SEO marketing. It’s going to take a lot of explaining before a beginner can understand what SEO marketing is. Or any average person for that matter! To be completely honest, The Success with Anthony Program is ultimately used by people who want to, or don’t mind putting in the extra hard work to study, learn, and teach themselves. Individuals who already have a small understanding of the terms and concepts used in this training, would not have a hard time understanding or using this program. (SWA) has the training broken down into 3 modules. These modules are mixtures of videos and PDF’s. The 3 training modules for (SWA):

  • First Module: Email Marketing Profits: 14 Videos and eBook with 200+ pg.
  • Second Module: Social Media Marketing Profits: Broken up into 4 sections (videos/eBooks) for each social media (Twitter, Facebook YouTube, and Google+)
  • Third Module: SEO Profit.

A cartoon picture of a bank with three dollar signs inside it

How Much Will This Program Cost You?

  • $7
  • $99
  • $147
  • And Up!

The most confusing part of the Success With Anthony program, takes place in the simple category of pricing. The price that your more than likely to pay, won’t be the starting price, or the first price that you see. Instead, the more you try and navigate away from the site, the more they’ll try to take down the cost. In my case, the cost had adjusted from $19 to just $7, but for a limited time only. Also, while I was trying to navigate away, I was being told about another offer to give me back $48 dollars. And this money was supposed to come directly from Mr.Anthony’s wallet. Eventually you’ll hear about the guarantee (SWA) makes! They guarantee your money back after a year, with an extra $100 if you are not happy with your results! Yeah, right. There’s a lot of stipulations placed on that guarantee. So many that you wouldn’t even qualify. If you were to choose to invest in the actual product, expect a one-time offer to come up with $147. Afterwards, a form pops up asking for your phone number, home address, and main email address. The next question asks you about why you are interested in joining Anthony’s team. Why these questions? Let me give you a good explanation. This only means one thing, when a program within the “online money making” world, asks for your telephone number. This means that the program wants to promote more offers to you, and make more money off you. Next thing you know, you are stuck with getting random emails and phone calls from other “online money making” opportunities, that cost even more money. This is nothing more, than another average guru technique trying to scam you into spending more and more money. Unfortuantely, people fall for these techniques. I am here to discourage you from these types of scam-like programs. Office clipart school director pencil and in color office - WikiClipArt

Is There Any Help from The Anthony Morrison Program?

There will not be luxury support at (SWA). They don’t even mention having a community or a forum even. If you need help, have a question, or a concern, you are supposed to refer it the “support team.” But of course, you won’t be connecting with Anthony Morrison himself. And you won’t be getting any real support! Hence, the reason for the many success with Anthony complaints. You will be more than likely be figuring things out all by yourself. Like I mentioned earlier in the training section, this program is for the people who don’t mind putting in the extra hard work to study, learn, and teach themselves.

My Conclusion and Review

a yellow sad face emoticon thumbing down to discourage people away from the success with anthony morrison affiliate program scam

In conclusion, I would say that joining the “Success with Anthony” Program is like entering the unknown! To Recap: When you join the program, you don’t know how much you’ll be paying, and (SWA) doesn’t make clear that a lot of their other methods they’ll be teaching you, (when applied) will also cost you. They purposefully leave out details, to try and trick you into giving them more personal info, to pay them more money. As always, keep in mind that when affiliate networks kick programs off their network because of bad concepts and content, you know something must be seriously wrong. All red, yellow, and purple flags should be up by now that this is a common scam. And if it’s not necessarily a scam, it’s just a bad business opportunity to be a part of. One that should be avoided at all costs! Tired Of Being Scammed? Check Out My # 1 Recommendation! If your interested in learning more about multi-level marketing scams, and companies that aren’t legit, when you have the time, please check out some of my other post like:

Neucopia Scam Review

Banners Broker Scam Review

Zeek Rewards Scam Review

The Killer Content Scam Review

Get My Ads Scam Review

And Much More..

Thanks for reading my review on “Success With Anthony”. If you have any comments, please don’t hesitate to leave them at the bottom and I will respond to them as soon as possible. Thanks a lot!!

2 thoughts on “Is The Success With Anthony Program A Scam?

  1. Wow! This website makes me sick! A website run by a person ousted from Clickbank??? Definitely a no-no. Period! Moreover, how can you have a website where your offers on your products and your prices are not definite and unclear? That bugs me at the highest level. Anyway, I hope that people will stay away from this website and find WA which is a better solution for anyone who wants to start an affiliate marketing business. Good job!

    1. Hey thanks Angelce903! My job was to expose this company for what they truly are. A big scam. Thanks for clarifying me doing so. More informative post coming soon.

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