SurveyJunkie – Is It Legit Or A Scam?

A screenshot picture of survey junkie website homepage


Online surveys are everywhere these days. In fact, some will usually do them just for fun, while others do them for fun, and to earn money in the process. Knowing what we know about money-making opportunities online, we can be able to distinguish the legitimate opportunities, from the ones that look like complete scams.

Are surveys a great way to make a bit of side income, or are they just a complete waste of time? We’ll be taking a look at one of the survey sites today, known as “SurveyJunkie”. We’ll be diving in and giving you our findings of what we found, so you know the good and the bad about this survey website. If you want to know more about online surveys and what exactly you could earn from “SurveyJunkie”, then read on.

So What Is “SurveyJunkie”?:

SurveyJunkie” was launched in 2010 and is considered one of the oldest survey websites on the Internet. It was founded in Glendale, California. The founder’s name is unknown to us at this time. However, we have learned that “SurveyJunkie” is part of a larger company known as “DISQO!”, an online recruitment company. “DISQO” dropped the exclamation point from their name during a rebrand in 2018.

How Does SurveyJunkie Work?:

Like most of the survey websites that you’ll find online, “SurveyJunkie” has surveys that you can earn money from once completed in full. But In order to access these surveys, you must of course sign up on their website. The good news is that registration is absolutely free. However, the not so great news is that it’s only available to people who live in the United States, Canada, or Australia.

Click here to download the Survey Junkie app.

Once you have gone through the motions and have all of your personal information uploaded, you go to the dashboard. From there, you can choose which survey you would like to take, to start earning money. Some claim that you can earn anywhere crom $2 to $75 per survey. However, we know that the surveys that are high-paying are often few and far between (and even very complex). One user had claimed that you can earn higher dollar amounts if you join a focus group.

Like most surveys, you still get to earn something if and when you fail the requirements of a survey. In other words, if you complete the survey you get the full amount. But if you don’t complete the survey due to not meeting certain requirements, you then will only get a fraction of what you would’ve earned. Either way, it’s not gonna seem like much. But it’s good to know you still get credit for the effort. With that said, we consider this benefit to be a green flag, considering the fact that most survey sites don’t operate like this.

One thing that really stuck out about “SurveyJunkie” was its transparency. We are adamant about any money-making opportunity being as transparent as possible. They’re not the kind of survey website that’s boast about how much they’re payouts average, or about already paying out millions of dollars to it’s affiliates. They tell you upfront that doing surveys is not the best way to earn a living. But you can still earn a bit extra if you are consistent in taking these surveys on the regular basis. While “SurveyJunkie” tells you this all up front, some other survey websites talk that “big money” earning potential hype.

A screen shot picture of SurveyJunkie website page

Bonus Points For Signing Up With”SurveyJunkie”:

One of the things that we noticed about “SurveyJunkie” is that you can earn an upwards of 100 points or more right off the back, just after signing up with them. Let us explain. So you’ll already earn 25 points just for signing up. But if you were to completely fill out your profile, you would then earn another 50 points. Confirm your email address and that’s another 25 points. So that’s 100 points you’ll earn right after signings up, just like that. You can than earn an additional 15 points just by doing the “how it works” tour of their website, and complete surveys that round out your profile, demographics, etc. We cannot think of another survey website off the top of our heads that can do that right away. If there is one, give us a heads up and we’ll make a note of it.

Email Notifications:

Of course, if you are looking to take surveys and earn points regularly you can get them straight to your email. You can set the frequency of how many you would like to receive in a single day. If you’re the kind of person that doesn’t want a cluttered inbox, you can keep it to at least once a day, or shut it off completely. The emails aren’t really that spammy in our opinion. But if you have a Gmail account that you use, odds are those surveys may end up in either the spam folder  or the “promotions” tab. But for the most part, they should have no trouble making it to your main inbox.

How Do The Points Work?:

To clear up any confusion, you earn points that are equivalent to cash. Think of the points in penny terms. For example 100 points will equal $1 dollar. So if you have earned 1000 points total, that would equal $10 dollars. The minimum payment threshold where you would be able to cash out, is 1000 points. You can recieve this money in the form of either a gift card, or cash. A $10 minimum payout seems more appealing considering the fact that there are other survey websites online, that have a minimum payout of $20 or more. On paper, it doesn’t seem all that difficult to reach 1000 points, compared to taking and completing many surveys that would have to equal 2000 points/$20 dollars, just for you to cash out.

With that said, if you choose the cash option, you’re going to need to cash out all your points. From there, your points will be transferred to PayPal as cash. If you are opting for a gift card, then you may want to keep in mind that most gift cards come in denominations of $5, $10, $15, and so on.

Survey Junkie Is Not Like The Others:

Here’s what we mean by this. If you go on any ordinary survey-taking website, you’ll notice that there are other ways to make money. These include but are not limited to watching videos, taking quizzes, “surfing” the web, and so on. While these sites promise that you will earn something, it’s basically the equivalent of what you earn for points if you fail a survey. “SurveyJunkie” eschews these methods and just sticks to surveys, and nothing but surveys.

Pros and Cons:


  • Very easy to earn points, even if there are “hit and miss” surveys
  • Low minimum cashout option
  • Plenty of surveys available on the regular basis
  • Actually accredited by the BBB
  • Plenty of gift card choices, if you decide to take that route


  • You may not qualify for some surveys (which is pretty common)

Click here to read real users personal good/bad experiences with using Survey Junkie!!

A green and white screen shot picture of SurveyJunkie hompage

Our Final Thoughts on “SurveyJunkie”:

If you are interested in completing surveys to earn money online then “SurveyJunkie” might just be the best option for you. After gathering what we know, this is definitely a legit website where you can take surveys and earn enough money to snag a gift card or some extra cash. As we mentioned earlier, it wouldn’t be a good way to make a living online. But if your just doing these surveys for the fun of it, you could really make some type of money while doing so.

“SurveyJunkie” is not some sleazy, dirty survey website like others that we have come across. If we had to say anything else, “SurveyJunkie” sets the standard of how a survey taking website should be. Some will make you work harder to earn more and cash out. But “SurveyJunkie” is on the side of fun, rather than challenging people and make things difficult. If you want to check it out for yourself, visit “SurveyJunkie” now and get started.

So, what do you think about the,”SurveyJunkie” program? Do you have something you would like to add? Do you believe this business is legit too, or a scam? Maybe you have a few questions concerning our “SurveyJunkie” review?

If so, let us know whats on your mind! Just leave your comments or concerns below in the comment section, and we would be more than happy to respond. Thanks again for reading my post, and good luck with all your wonderful success online..

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