Everything You Need To Know About The Jaaxy Keyword Search Tool

a picture of The Jaaxy Keyword Search Tool

If you feel that your website or blog, is not getting the amount of traffic it was supposed to get, despite of matching all the SEO requirements, including keywords, then, it’s time for you to use a, “keyword search tool”. Using a good keyword search tool is important for your business, as it provides you with all the information about a keyword that is required to ace the ranking of the search engines.

For the same purpose, an online tool is available, which is the best available tool in the market. It offers many amazing features and benefits, at a manageable price. Read on to know all about Jaaxy keyword search tool.

a cartoon picture of a woman thinking

Why is it important to use a keyword search tool?

Today, it is so important to use the appropriate keywords for your article, or website. The right keywords will drive a considerable traffic to your link, and you will have an increase in the sale of your products, and services, as your website will appears in the top results of popular search engines. However, without knowing certain facts and details, it is very difficult to come up with the right keywords. You need to know the number of people who are searching for a certain keyword, and how many websites that are already using that keyword, so that your aware of the competition in the market.

For getting all this information, you need a good keyword search tool. These tools do all the research for you, and present all the information in an easy, and efficient way. With their help, you can get the right keywords for your blog, or website. So, it is very important for your business that you use a good keyword search tool. It will drive traffic to your website, and your website will generate much larger revenue.

a picture of best Keyword Search Tool

Why Jaaxy is the best keyword search tool?

Jaaxy is an online keyword search tool, that performs deep research, provides the ranking, and the value, of the popular keywords. Jaaxy collects data from Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and presents it in a clear, and understandable way. It not only tells how many people have searched for a particular keyword, but also provides data on how many other competing websites have used that keyword for themselves. This tool gives a great deal of  flexibility to the user. It allows you to play around with your words, and come up with the right keywords that will bring your website to the top of search results of Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Keyword research is a long, complicated, and boring thing, without a wonderful keyword research tool. Jaaxy, is the best keyword search tool among those available in the market. Let’s compare it with one of most popular tools: Google AdWords Planner. This tool is free of cost, but it won’t get you a good ranking for your website, because it lacks the required information. AdWords planner doesn’t show you the statistics about the competitors who are using the same keyword.

Google AdWords only shows advertisement competitors, the people who are competing for paid traffic. In contrast, Jaaxy provides you with all the information you’ll need to ace the rankings of the search engines. Along with that, it also contains a number of other useful features, that help you in an amazing way. Let’s see what else we can get from Jaaxy.

a picture of The Jaaxy Keyword Search Tool

Features of Jaaxy keyword search tool   

Jaaxy offers a number of great features, that further make this tool more lovable. Here are some of the amazing features of the Jaaxy keyword search tool:

  • Easy User Interface Design: All the data and information, is presented in an easy way. You won’t have to find the relevant information. All what you’ll need, is right in front of you, with descriptive tags.


  • Potential Ranking:  This tool also shows how your website will be ranked from the search engines.


  • Competition statistics: It gives you the correct information about the number of marketers competing for the same keyword.


  • Amount of traffic: It predicts the amount of traffic you will receive on your website.


  • Tracking Performance: This feature is very useful if you want to keep a record of your performance throughout the years.


  • Availability of domain names: This tool also shows the domain names that are available for a specific keyword.

a picture of The Jaaxy Keyword Search Tool

How much does jaaxy cost?

Jaaxy comes in three versions. The most efficient among them, is the “Enterprise” version. As compared to other versions, it is much faster, and provides instant domain availability. The price, however, is higher than then the “Pro” version. It costs $49 per month. The “Pro” version comes at the cost of $19 per month, which is slightly less efficient than the “Enterprise” version.

It also provides a basic version which is totally free of cost, but it lacks a lot of useful features. So, try these versions yourself, and decide what will work the best for you. The money spent on your keywords, will earn you a lot of fortune in return.

a picture of The Jaaxy Keyword Search Tool, What is Jaaxy? - Only the Best Keyword Search Tool

What are the benefits of using The Jaaxy keyword search tool?

Along with these features, you get more benefits from using this tool. So, let’s see what benefits of using Jaaxy keyword search tool are available.

  • Low cost: Jaaxy comes at a very low price when compared to other tools available in the market. For example SEMrush, comes at around $65 per month, whereas Buzzsumo costs over $100 per month. So, you will be saving a lot of money by using this tool.


  • Training Videos: To get the most out of this tool, Jaaxy also provides four training videos. These videos explain how you can use this tool like a pro.


  • Very responsive online support: If you are facing any problems while working on the platform, you can contact online support. They are very response, and they help you fix what ever issues you might have.

Now that you know exactly what it takes to drive tons of traffic to your website, don’t wait. Register yourself for the Jaaxy keyword search tool, today. It’ll definitely give you plenty of help towards ranking at the top, within the search engines.

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