Lucky Day App Review – Make Money Playing Games Online Or Scam?

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Make Money Playing Games Online or Scam?

Are you in the market to play games to earn real money? If so, look no further than Lucky Day App. The Lucky Day App provides you with a platform to play games and win real money. Lucky Day claims to have given more than $10 million away to their community of over 30 million users. Lucky Day performs more than one hundred daily tournaments to distribute $10,000+ every week.

Today, you can join the Lucky Day network to participate in fast, fair, and fun competitions at the click of a button. You can play games like Dice Kings, BlackJack Royals, and LuckyDay, all Play2Earn styled games that offer you a way to win money. At LegitWorkForRealOnline, we pick apart businesses to identify just what makes their business a success. Follow along to find out exactly why Lucky Day is so successful in paying out users for rewards.

Let’s pick apart the components of the Luck Day application to get a detailed look at what makes their games so profitable. Lucky Day started as a game that lets you make serious money winning the lottery and participating in fun and free-to-enter digital games. We perform real-life research with experienced analysts here at

Here at, we help you identify legit opportunities online by inspecting online businesses and identifying fraudulent companies before you end up wasting your precious time or money. Our whole goal here, is to help you find and earn legit money online, while assisting you in avoiding those evil online scams!


Lucky Day App screenshot

The Lucky Day app claims to provide “100% secure cashouts” to a worldwide community. Lucky Day facilitates instant cashouts via PayPal because they understand that it is your money, and you should be able to get it whenever you want. Lucky Day is seen on trusted name brands like Fox News, Time, NBC, Forbes, and Pandora. So, if Lucky Day is so successful, what are they doing right, and how can you make money with their platform? Our team at LegitWorkForRealOnline dives deeper to find what value can be found in the Lucky Day business model. So, is Lucky Day just a scheme to take your time and money?

Let’s find more information together by researching and discovering why Lucky Day has a mixed record for its history as a play-to-earn game provider. At, we help you identify fraudulent businesses and schemes to help you stay away from fake opportunities and get real legitimate work online. 

What is Lucky Day all about? 

Lucky Day App screenshot

Lucky Day is all about hosting games that allow you to earn money by playing simple virtual games on your phone. The Lucky Day website displays a breakdown of all of their games in a very compelling and immersive narrative. The Lucky Day application is all about giving you a way to win serious money by having fun participating in sweepstakes and cash giveaways.

When did LuckyDay Start? 

Lucky Day was launched in 2014 by a young 23-year-old entrepreneur, Josh Javaheri. LuckyDay is a largely successful application on the Google Play store, ranking top twenty apps and top fifty overall apps throughout its lifetime.

What does it cost to use Lucky Day? 

It costs nothing to use LuckyDay. Lucky Day is a free platform that pays users out on a high-score-basis. You can participate in scratch-offs, slots, and lottery games that get you a chance to win a huge jackpot. Of course, in regards to probability, the odds are not in your favor – but as a lifestyle application that rewards gaming, it does a surprisingly adequate job of paying out its users.

Is Lucky Day successful?  

Lucky Day App screenshotYes, they are successful. Luckyday has a mixed reputation for having obstacles when cashing out, a low-probability payout model, and lacking customer support. Regardless, their mobile app is acclaimed by several name-brand media companies who report a proven history of paying out users fairly and quickly. Ultimately – if we could give a rating, it would be a B-. 


  • Great website with an immersive design.

  • Three well designed applications for games.

  • Proven history of paying out rewards to a large community.

  • There are no upfront charges to join their network.

  • The winners are actually real people, even though there’s not a lot of winner’s.
  • Their games are available across the world.


  • Low earnings potential. Be sure that you are not wasting your time looking for rewards that might never come your way.

  • Blackhole for Advertisements.

  • No BBB accreditation. 

  • There’s too Many Ads. You need to watch a video ad to continue, every couple minutes while playing a game.

What are internet users saying about this website?  

Previous users of Lucky Day have mixed opinions regarding the business from our preliminary investigation. Here are some references to understand the Lucky Day application’s business model, more specifically their history of paying out users.     

On one hand,

“This is a mobile sweepstakes application which enables consumers to legally play lotto games, virtual scratch-off tickets, and slots with the potential to win real money.” 

On the other hand,

“Using this app for a week, no winnings whatsoever.. scam.”

Click Here, for more real user experiences!

Our Conclusion For This Lucky Day App: 

Lucky Day App screenshot

LuckyDay is a waste of time, attention seeker, and poor business, BUT our team at believes it is NOT an outright scam. LuckyDay offers an exciting twist to MLM with their play to earn centralized lottery games, but their history of mixed consumer reviews indicates a rough future ahead. Specifically, the LuckyDay application has a deficient payout plan for their users that often makes playing the game no more rewarding than playing a regular video game. This is because this game offers little to no realistic opportunity to make a real-money-making income stream.    

For these reasons, we believe LuckyDay is NOT a scam, and users can sign up to find out whether their business is a scam or not, as we conclude at

Do you have a different opinion about LuckDay? If so, we would love to hear about it! If you have comments or questions about our review, be sure to leave them below. Thanks again and we’ll see you in our next review!

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2 thoughts on “Lucky Day App Review – Make Money Playing Games Online Or Scam?

  1. I have been using these apps for year and granted, i have made quite a bit of money at it. However, this is because i often suffer depression and find myself zoning out n playing games as a sorta escape. So if you’re doing soething like that, then you might as well get paid for it. However, trying to actually play these games and making money for a living, then youre really only going to make sweetie money unless its an MLM scheme.

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