Is Empower Network a Scam?

a view of the empower network logo

NameEmpower Network
Price: $47 with upsells of up to $5,000
Owner: David Wood

What is Empower Network? What are they Selling?

As of August 1, 2017, The Empower Network No Longer Exists.

Instead, Learn more about my #1 Recommendation.

Empower Network is a business opportunity that provides continuity, and one-time products affiliates can promote, as well as support and training for it’s affiliates.

Empower Network is best known for their blogging system, Kalatu. The Kalatu Blog is built on WordPress and super-charged with plugins, features and themes all designed to help you make sales online. Imagine a blogging platform designed by marketers. This blogging platform goes a step beyond and is managed for you, so you don’t have to deal with updates, or hackers/viruses, or trying to find the right plugins for popups, banners, opt-ins or generating ideas to write about.

The next piece of their Kalatu Cloud is an email marketing software. They custom built it for affiliates, and designed it specifically for marketers. It takes your lead generation to a whole new level.

In addition to the technology you need to run an online business, Empower Network’s Next Level Mastermind provides the ongoing support and mindset training needed to achieve real success.

Beyond these three core pieces, you’ll discover an Empower Network Training created by million-dollar affiliates including “Top Producer Formula, “Team Building Formula”, and “Mass Influence Formula” – together all the products and tools above are grouped into an “All In” package, providing everything needed to build a profitable business.

They’ve been around and profitable since 2011, producing nearly 20 million-dollar earners, and thousands of affiliates succeeding with their systems.

Empower Network Compensation Plan:

a view of the empower network’s webpage showing how it can be lucrative and profitable

The Empower Network compensation plan is built around commissions ranging up to 100% (minus processing fees) depending on the item sold, and with the team building rewards in their comp plan, those who build teams are able to profit while their teams profit.

The Good:

  • High affiliate commissions and great compensation plan for those looking to build a team and succeed long-term
  • A solid mix of subscription products and one-time products gives affiliates an opportunity to create ongoing continuity income (if you make one sale of a subscription product, you then get commissions monthly for as long as the buyer remains a member)
  • Referrals are locked to you as an affiliate, so if they purchase upsells or monthly membership later, you continue to receive commissions
  • Empower Network has a B+ rating with the BBB (which, for an online network marketing company, is an accomplishment) and offers a money-back guarantee
  • In addition to providing promotional resources and materials for affiliates, Empower Network shines through their daily web video show “The Daily Shortcut” – providing new, valuable content to share daily
  • The sales team at Empower does coaching calls for your new members – so you don’t have to get on the phone and explain the value of the products or the opportunity
  • Strong, dedicated community – Empower holds live events 4 times a year, filled with excited affiliates who are always there to support each other

The Bad:

  • There are small affiliate fees charged for participation in the affiliate program, and you need to keep your membership active to continue receiving commissions
  • There are some negative reviews online about previous versions of their blogging platform and training–which just shows their commitment to continue to improve and deliver even greater value through what they offer

What’s Included in the Membership?

a view of all the included membership tools of the empower network

The basic Empower Network Cost is $47. This is a total shortcut level of the Empower Membership that includes the following:

  • The Daily Shortcuts – this daily web show includes inspiring and motivational daily content for you to share, and includes daily email messages, social media marketing materials, and action checklists proven to create sales daily.
  • Sales Automation System – Done for you capture pages, sales videos, order forms, and sales systems that help you make money on autopilot.
  • The Acceleration Training – This 4-video gamified training teaches you how affiliate marketing works and exactly what you need to do to make money right now.
  • Kalatu Cloud Basic – Complete contact manager, email marketing system, social media automation tools and video hosting in one system setup instantly. All of the tools that you need to build a business online.
  • Content Marketing System – You can brand their done for you blogging platform with a few clicks of a button and focus on just building your business.

You can also choose to get access to on-demand trainings to help you make more sales, build a bigger team, and influence more people.

What Help/Training is Included with Empower Network?

Empower Network Review – A Good Business Opportunity Or What?

One thing that stands out about Empower Network vs. other affiliate opportunities is their focus on the Empower Network Support and Training System to help their affiliates succeed.

From step by step videos and checklists, to an actual department dedicated to Customer Service, you’ll find support readily available.

Because the compensation plan rewards team building, you’ll also find that sponsors are more motivated to help those who sign up under them in this company.

What does Empower Network Cost to Join as a Member?

It’s $47 to get started (though they do run special offers and promotions from time to time). From there, it depends on what level you choose to engage with and what you’re ready for.

New affiliates get a personal call with a coach to help them set goals and create their plan for success.

As with any online business, you can also choose to invest in marketing and advertising to build your Empower Network team faster.

Is Empower Network Worth Joining Today?

a view of a training class in session through the empower network

Yes, the Empower Network is worth joining – in most cases. In today’s competitive, noisy online environment, it is hard to find a company that provides the type of support and sales materials ready for you to use, you’ll find with Empower Network.

You will never have to post “hey join my program with my link!” or “buy this awesome new product!” (and get all those “stop being a spammer!” comments) on social media again.

Instead, you will have truly helpful, new content to share every single day with the Daily Shortcut show. And from there, Empower Network’s system handles the opt-in, the sales pages, the checkout, the coaching calls, and the upsells.

My Conclusion And What I Recommend:

a view of a man trying to choose a red x or green check to join the empower network

Empower Network is a good opportunity to join (if they were still around today), equipped with ALMOST everything you would need to become successful online. Your most definitely welcome to join! But I personally didn’t like the fact that they offer 1 website template, that just so happens to be poorly optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).

They only offer 1 template. Unfortunately, this makes your website uniqueness not so unique. You want to be able to stand out from the others. And the fact that it’s poorly optimized for search engines would make getting ranked on Google harder to accomplish.

But there’s another opportunity out there, that’s just as good, if not better, that I could also recommend. And it’s way more affordable to be a full member! Not to mention the 2 FREE provided websites, 1,400+ website templates, Free To Join Members Area, and SEO focused!

Check Out my # 1 Recommendation!

Other than that, thanks guys for reading my post. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please leave them at the bottom and I’ll response as soon as possible. I would love to hear what you guys think and help who ever needs it. Thanks again folks!

If you enjoyed this article that was “all about” “Empower Network”, please don’t limit yourself. Feel free to learn “all about” a different legit online company. Information that could be beneficial to you, and your future success online. Post like:

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4 thoughts on “Is Empower Network a Scam?

  1. Hi Hassan,
    Thanks for your review on the Empower Network system.

    The joining fee is quite reasonable at $47. However, what are the upsells that will cost me up to $5,000?
    You’ve mentioned the Empower Network Training which is part of the ‘All In’ package which will provide everything needed to build a profitable business.

    Empower Network sounds like a great platform to be a part of, however, I find that with some products, once you join, you have to be paying another fee to take your business to the next level.

    I’d like to know if the $47 is really all I will have to pay to become successful online.


    1. Hello there Jacqueline, and thanks for commenting. $47 isn’t all you have to pay. Once you get involved with this program, your continuously being sold on spending more money, to make more money. Its A lose, lose situation basically. Hope this helps! Take care and good luck with your success…

      1. Oh dear.
        Not quite what I thought. They seem to suggest that you can earn money by using the tools you get with the $47 sign up.
        It’s a bit misleading.
        I came across another product that was affordable to sign up too only to realise that in order to make progress, I had to buy further products.

        Your #1 recommendation looks like the way to go with a free starter membership. At least if I don’t like it, I can leave.

        I was a bit dubious as no one gives anything away free these days and I thought it was a lure to get me in the door but with no credit card required, that has to be a win-win situation.

        Thanks for your response and recommendation. I will definitely be checking this out.

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